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Sqlite Backup Template

The Sqlite Backup Template enables Network Administrators to automate backups of the Primary and Archive Log Databases. This Template is typically used by Network Administrators that want backup their Sqlite log databases to a remote location such an NAS device, Azure File Share or an Amazon S3 Bucket.

In this Topic

Video Tutorial

How to Backup a Sqlite Database to a NAS, Azure File Share or Amazon S3 Bucket

To Configure the Sqlite Backup Template

  • From the Menu Bar, select File | New. The Create New Object View displays.
  • From the Create New Object View, expand Templates | Database Monitors and Tasks then select Sqlite Backup. The New Template Properties View displays.
  • The Template Properties view contains 3 tabs.

Options Configuration

  • Use the Data Providers drop-down to select the target Sqlite Data Providers.
  • Use the Host drop-down to optionally save backups to an Azure File Share or Amazon S3 Bucket.
  • Use the Filename text box to specify the location to save the Event Log Files. To save backups to a NAS device or other Windows Share, specify the UNC path. The filename can optionally include variables tags such as, {FILENAME}, {DATE}, {TIME}, {YEAR}, {MONTH}, {DAY} and so on. Click the Variable Variable Buttonbutton to select from a list of available variables.
Do not specify the filename extension. The extension is automatically appended to the end of the output filename determined by the selected options.
  • Use the Compress check box to compress the file to ZIP format.
  • Use the Encrypt check box to encrypt the file. Use the Passwordtext box to specify the password. If zipping the file, the file is zipped and encrypted using 7-ZIP format, otherwise, the file is encrypted using a Rijndael. To open a Rijndael encrypted file select File | Open from the Management Console.
  • Use the Delete files check box to automatically delete old Sqlite backups then specify the maximum number of days to retain.
Sqlite Backup Properties
Sqlite Backup Properties

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Data Providers

Database Templates