SIEM, Vulnerability Scanning, Server Monitoring and Compliance Training for IT Professionals
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Agent Configuration File Reference

The agent configuration file is located in the following directories:

  • Windows:
    				C:\ProgramData\Corner Bowl\Server Manager Agent\tcpserver.json
  • Linux:
  • Configuration File Reference (tcpserver.json)

    AttributeDescriptionRange of ValuesDefault Value
    HostThe hostname the Corner Bowl Server Manager Service is running.Any network routable hostname or IP address. Values must be wrapped with quotes.""
    PortThe port the Corner Bowl Server Manager Service is running.1 - 6534421843
    IdleTimeoutA Int32 that specifies the maximum number of seconds allowed to pass between command packets. Once exceeded, the remote connection is closed.1 - 65344300
    ReceiveTimeoutAn Int32 that specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that will elapse before a read operation fails.1 - 65344120
    SendTimeoutAn Int32 that specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that will elapse before a read operation fails.1 - 65344120
    TempDirectoryA string that specifies the path to save temporary files. If the value is set to NULL, the default system temporary directory is used.The full path to save temporary files.NULL
    TlsConfigurationEncapsulates the SSL/TLS 1.2 configuration properties.
    EnabledA Boolean that specifies whether SSL/TLS 1.2 is enabled.true or falsefalse
    CertificateA string that specifies the name of the X509Certificate used to authenticate.

    On Windows, the Thumbprint is suggested, however, you can also specify the Serial Number, Subject Distinguished Name or Subject Name.

    On Linux, the value must be the network routable hostname.

    If specified, the value must be wrapped in quotes otherwise specify null without quotes.

    AllowSelfSignedCertificateA Boolean value that specifies whether self-signed certificates are supported.true or falsetrue
    CheckCertificateRevocationA Boolean value that specifies whether the certificate revocation list is checked during authentication.true or falsefalse
    AllowCertificateChainErrorsA Boolean value that specifies whether the certificate chain is checked during authentication.true or falsetrue
    InstanceNameThe connection instance name. This value is used in verbose logging messages when connecting to multiple Management Server instnaces.Any string. Values must be wrapped with quotes.NULL
    InstancesLists multiple Management Server's to connect.An array of Server Configuration objects.NULL

    Sample File Contents (tcpserver.json)

      "Host": "", 
      "Port": 21843, 
      "IdleTimeout": 300, 
      "ReceiveTimeout": 120, 
      "SendTimeout": 120, 
      "TempDirectory": "d:\temp", 
      "TlsConfiguration": {
        "Enabled": false, 
        "Certificate": null, 
        "RequireRemoteCertificate": false, 
        "AllowSelfSignedCertificate": false, 
        "CheckCertificateRevocation": false, 
        "AllowCertificateChainErrors": false 
      "Instances": [
          "InstanceName": "Server 2 Instance", 
          "Host": "server2", 
          "Port": 21843, 
          "IdleTimeout": 300, 
          "ReceiveTimeout": 120, 
          "SendTimeout": 120, 
    	  "TempDirectory": null, 
          "TlsConfiguration": {
            "Enabled": true, 
            "Certificate": null, 
            "RequireRemoteCertificate": false, 
            "AllowSelfSignedCertificate": true, 
            "CheckCertificateRevocation": false, 
            "AllowCertificateChainErrors": true 
          "InstanceName": "Server 3 Instance", 
          "Host": "server3", 
          "Port": 1234, 
          "IdleTimeout": 300, 
          "ReceiveTimeout": 120, 
          "SendTimeout": 120, 
    	  "TempDirectory": null, 
          "TlsConfiguration": {
            "Enabled": true, 
            "Certificate": null, 
            "RequireRemoteCertificate": false, 
            "AllowSelfSignedCertificate": true, 
            "CheckCertificateRevocation": false, 
            "AllowCertificateChainErrors": true 

    Related Topics

    Server Configuration

    Windows Agent Installation

    Linux Agent Installation
