SIEM, Vulnerability Scanning, Server Monitoring and Compliance Training for IT Professionals
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Logging Settings

Level Settings

The Server Manager Management Service logs verbose output to both the Management Console and the server.log file. You have the option to limit logging to specific levels.

DebugDetailed information, typically of interest only when diagnosing problems.
InfoConfirmation that things are working as expected.
NoticeNormal but significant events.
CriticalCritical conditions that require immediate attention.
ErrorError conditions that indicate a problem.
Success AuditEvents indicating successful completion of a task.
Failure AuditEvents indicating failure in completing a task.

How to Update the Logging Levels

  • From the Explorer View, find the root Options tree node, then expand.
  • Select Logging Settings, the Logging Settings View displays.
  • Find the Levels control group then use the toggle buttons to enable or disable specific levels.

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