Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- Agent-Based Management
- Common Tasks
- Data Providers
- Directory Services
- Auditing
- Hosts
- Templates
- Template Properties
- Batch Update Templates
- Assign Templates
- Log Management Templates
- SCAP Compliance Monitor
- Active Directory User Monitor Templates
- File and Directory Monitor Templates
- Windows Monitor Templates
- CPU Monitor Template
- Memory Monitor Template
- Disk Space Monitor Template
- Account Lockout Monitor Template
- Audit Policy Monitor Template
- Logon As Monitor Template
- Logon Monitor Template
- Performance Counter Monitor Template
- PowerShell Template
- Process Monitor Template
- RDP Session Monitor Template
- Registry Value Monitor Template
- Service Monitor Template
- SMART Disk Monitor Template
- System Security Monitor Template
- Windows Update Template
- WMI Query Template
- Task Scheduler Template
- Clock Synchronization Template
- Defragment NTFS Disks Template
- Network and Application Monitor Templates
- SSL Certificate Monitor Templates
- Database Templates
- Email Monitor Templates
- SNMP Monitor Templates
- Windows Accounts Templates
- Monitors
- Reports
- Auto-Configurators
- Filters
- Actions
- Schedules
- Environment Variables
- Options
- SSH Shell
- Syslog
- System Reset
- Shared Views
- Active Directory User and Group Filters
- Assign Actions
- Assign Azure Audit Logs
- Assign Consolidated Logs
- Assign Directories
- Assign Disks
- Assign Event Logs
- Assign Files
- Assign Services
- Assign Shares
- Auto-Config Host Assignment Properties
- Define CSV and W3C Log Entry Columns
- Define Log Entry Columns
- Define Log Entry Columns with Regular Expressions
- Executable Status
- Executable Timeline
- Explicitly Assigned Logs
- File Explorer
- General Executable Properties
- Report Columns
- Report Date/Time Ranges
- Report Security Event Log Filters
- Select Folder or File
- Target Files and Sub-Directories
- Command Line Interface
- Server Configuration
- Agent Configuration
- Troubleshooting
- Best Practices
- Terminology
Corner Bowl Server Manager
SIEM, IPS, Server Monitoring, Uptime Monitoring and Compliance Software
Azure Audit Log Consolidation Template
Azure Audit Log consolidation is the process of downloading Azure Audit Logs and saving them to a Data Provider, also known as a Log Database.
How to Configure Azure Audit Log Consolidation:
- From the Menu Bar, select File | New. The Create New Object View displays.
- From the Create New Object view, expand Template | Log Management then select Log Consolidation. The New Log Consolidation Template Properties view displays.
- From the New Log Consolidation Template Properties view, use the Sub type drop-down to select Azure AD Audit Log. The Template Properties view now contains 7 tabs.
Logs Tab
The Logs Tab enables you to configure the Azure AD connection then select the logs to consolidate. Before you can configure the software to download Azure AD Audit Logs, you must create an App Registration in your Azure Portal. For more information see: Tutorial: Register an app with Azure Active Directory from Microsoft.
To create an App Registration in Azure:
- Log into your Azure Portal at
- Select Azure Services | Azure Active Directory. The Overview displays.
- Click Manage | App Registrations. The App Registrations view displays.
- Click New Registration. The Register an application view displays.
- Use the name field to specify a name (e.g. CBSM), then click Register. The Properties view displays.
Copy the Application (client) ID for later use.
Copy the Directory (tenant) ID for later use.
Copy the Directory (tenant) ID for later use.
- Select API Permissions. The API Permissions view displays.
- Click Add a permission. The Request API permissions view displays.
- Select Microsoft Graph then select Application permissions.
- From the Select permissions text box type AuditLog.Read.All then check the option.
- From the Select permissions text box type IdentityRiskEvent.Read.All then check the option.
- Click Add permissions. Once the permissions are added, the API permissions view displays.
- Click Grant admin consent then when prompted to confirm click Yes.
- Click Manage | Certificates & secrets. The Certificates & secrets view displays.
- Click New client secret. The Add a client secret view displays
- Specify a name (e.g. MySecret) and an expiration date then click Add.
Copy your new secret Value then save for later use.
To configure the Azure AD connection:
- Use the Client ID text box to specify your Azure App registration's Application (client) ID.
- Use the Tenant ID text box to specify your Azure App registration's Directory (tenant) ID.
- Use the Client secret text box to specify your App registration's secret.
To select the logs to save:
- Check the Audit Logs check box to select the Audit log.
- Check the Sign-Ins check box to select the Sign-Ins log.
- Check the Identity Risk Events check box to select the Identity Risk Events log.
Options Tab
- Optionally assign a Consolidation filter to dump entries you do not want saved to the Log Database. When assigned, only entries that pass the assigned consolidation filter are saved to the Log Database.
- Use the Initial number of days to download to configure the initial download. Subsequent downloads always pull from the last saved entry forward.
If you have a heavily loaded domain controller you may need to limit the initial download of the Security Event Log to one day then build the database from that point on, otherwise you may receive a Quota Violation. You also have the option of specifying 0 days. When set to 0, Server Manager downloads the last hour of entries which should resolve any Quote Violation errors.
- Use the Download in batches of option to minimize WMI results sizes. This option is yet another attempt to work around Quota Violation errors.
If you are unable to resolve Quota Violation errors using the hourly batch method increase the Windows host's WMI Quota. For more information see: WMI Properties.
- Use the Clear the remote Event Log after each download to clear the actual Event Log from managed hosts once the download is complete.
- Use the Log Entry Retention Policy drop-down to select the retention policy. The retention policy is another template that defines the number of days to retain in the Primary and Archive Log Databases, for example, archive entries older than 30 days and retain entries for 150 days for a total of 180 days. Assign multiple retention policies to remove entries that match filter criteria defined in each retention policy. For more information see: Log Entry Retention Policy Template