SIEM, Vulnerability Scanning, Server Monitoring and Compliance Training for IT Professionals
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System Reset

The System Reset feature has been added to enable ISSMs to systematically audit groups of Archived Event Log Files.

In this Topic

Video Tutorial

How to Batch Import and Audit Zipped Event Log Archive Files for CMMC and JSIG Compliance

Use Case

A typical use case involves looping through the following steps once for each set of Archived Event Log Files:

  1. Batch import Archived Event Log Files.
  2. Execute Audit Reports that optionally generate Audit Work Items and/or save to HTML, PDF or CSV.
  3. Review reports within the Management Console and/or file system.
  4. Reset the system to delete all imported Archived Event Log Files and created hosts.
  5. Start this process over with the next set of Archived Event Log Files.

To Reset the System

  • From the Menu Bar, select Tools | System Reset. The System Reset View displays.
  • From the System Reset View select the following options:
Clear all dataClears the primary, archive, audit work items and history databases.
Clear primary databaseDeletes all consolidated logs from the primary database.
Clear archive databaseDeletes all consolidated logs from the archive database.
Clear audit work itemsDeletes audit work items from the primary database and the file system.
Clear historyDeletes all history tables.
Delete all configuration objectsDeletes all configuration objects excluding the localhost, Data Providers, Directory Services, and Environment Variables.
Delete all hostsDeletes all hosts excluding the localhost.
Delete all other objectsDeletes Actions, Auto-Configurators, Filters, Groups, Monitor Hierarchy, Reports, Schedules and Templates.
Restore from backupLoads all configuration objects from a backup set.
Re-create default configuration objectsRe-creates the default out-of-the-box configuration objects.
  • Click Reset System. The process may take several minutes depending on the amount of data being deleted.
System Reset Options
System Reset Options

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Audit Work Items

Columns Definitions

Data Providers