SIEM, Vulnerability Scanning, Server Monitoring and Compliance Training for IT Professionals
Table of Contents

Miscellaneous Settings

The Miscellaneous Settings view enables you to set several Management Console and Service options.

To display the Miscellaneous Settings view:

  • From the menu bar, select Tools | Options. The Options view displays.
  • From the Options view, select the Miscellaneous tab.

Visual Experience

The Management Console supports user configurable color themes. There are three different ways in which the color theme is set:

Manually overridden via the Login view.1
Manually overridden via the Miscellaneous Settings view.2
Automatically set based on the type of license applied.3

To set the color theme from the Miscellaneous Settings:

  • Use the Color theme drop-down to select the Management Console's color scheme.

Start Windows

The Management Console enables users to automatically display several different views at startup.

To configure specific views to display at startup:

  • Check the available views to display.

Auto Update Settings

If permitted, Server Manager automatically checks for updates every night. If an update is available, the software automatically downloads and installs the latest version.

To disable auto-updates or change the update schedule:

  • Uncheck the Automatically update option to disable automatic updates.
  • Use the Schedule drop-down to schedule the update frequency.

Tray Icon Settings

The System Tray Icon is responsible for executing Desktop Actions.

To disable the tray icon:

  • Uncheck the Enable System Tray Icon.

Localization Settings

Server Manager supports several different languages. Currently French, German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish are supported. The Server Manager Service language can be set independent of the Management Console.

Date, time and numeric values are displayed using the selected locale format.

To set the language, locale and time format:

Server-side settings

  • Use the Server locale drop-down to set the service language and locale.
  • Use the 24-Hour clock time checkbox to override the selected locale's time format with the 24-hour clock time format:

Client-side settings

  • Use the Console and Tray Icon locale drop-down to set the Management Console language and locale.
  • Use the 24-Hour clock time checkbox to override the selected locale's time format with the 24-hour clock time format:

HTML and Email Template Settings

When generating HTML files and HTML emails, Server Manager uses an HTML template to generate the appropriate content. HTML templates are HTML files that define the styles and variable content by using special tags.

The primary purpose of HTML templates is to enable you to fully customize the styles and content. The default HTML template is located in the installation sub-directory, HtmlTemplates. The easiest way to learn how the HTML template works is to view it within a text editor.

The default location on Server 2021 - 2008 is:
C:\Program Files\Corner Bowl\Server Manager\HtmlTemplates

To configure the HTML and email templates:

  • Copy the default template to a new directory then make your changes.
Changes made to the default template will be overwritten the next time the software is updated.
  • Use the Browse Browse Button button to select your custom HTML template.


When consolidating Event Log entries to the Corner Bowl File System format, rather than a database, temporary files are generated each time Event Log Entries are downloaded. These files often reach sizes that exceed 10 GBs. If you would like to override the default temporary directory to use a data logical disk, rather than the operating system logical disk, use the Paths section to override the default temporary directory.

The default locations on Server 2021 - 2008 are:
C:\Windows\TEMP\Corner Bowl\
C:\Users\[SERVICE_ACCOUNT]\AppData\Local\Temp\Corner Bowl\

To override the default temporary directory:

  • Use the Temporary directory text box to specify the temporary directory to use, or optionally, use the Browse Browse Button button to select your custom temporary directory.

To auto-delete saved logs when a host is deleted:

  • Use the Auto-delete checkbox to automatically delete saved log tables when a host is deleted from Server Manager.

To get notified when a new host is automatically added or when the maximum licensed node count is triggered:

Hosts are added automatically in several ways:

  • A manually deployed Agent connects for the first time.
  • A hardware device or other device that sends logs via syslog sends the first message to the Syslog Server.
  • A hardware device or other device that sends SNMP Traps sends the first trap to the SNMP Trap Server.
  • An Auto-Configurator discovers a new computer in Active Directory.

To get notified when a new host is added:

  • Use the On new host added drop-down to select an email or other notification Action.

To get notified when adding a new host would exceed the licensed node count:

  • Use the On maximum host count triggered drop-down to select an email or other notification Action.

To limit Actions

To suppress multiple notifications, use the Suppress duplicate triggers check box.

To re-enable notifications after a period of time has elapsed, use the Clear trigger state after check box to configure the duration.

New Host Notification Properties
New Host Notification Properties

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Desktop Actions