Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- Agent-Based Management
- Common Tasks
- Data Providers
- Directory Services
- Auditing
- Hosts
- Templates
- Template Properties
- Batch Update Templates
- Assign Templates
- Log Management Templates
- SCAP Compliance Monitor
- Active Directory User Monitor Templates
- File and Directory Monitor Templates
- Windows Monitor Templates
- CPU Monitor Template
- Memory Monitor Template
- Disk Space Monitor Template
- Account Lockout Monitor Template
- Audit Policy Monitor Template
- Logon As Monitor Template
- Logon Monitor Template
- Performance Counter Monitor Template
- PowerShell Template
- Process Monitor Template
- RDP Session Monitor Template
- Registry Value Monitor Template
- Service Monitor Template
- SMART Disk Monitor Template
- System Security Monitor Template
- Windows Update Template
- WMI Query Template
- Task Scheduler Template
- Clock Synchronization Template
- Defragment NTFS Disks Template
- Network and Application Monitor Templates
- SSL Certificate Monitor Templates
- Database Templates
- Email Monitor Templates
- SNMP Monitor Templates
- Windows Accounts Templates
- Monitors
- Reports
- Auto-Configurators
- Filters
- Actions
- Schedules
- Environment Variables
- Options
- SSH Shell
- Syslog
- System Reset
- Shared Views
- Active Directory User and Group Filters
- Assign Actions
- Assign Azure Audit Logs
- Assign Consolidated Logs
- Assign Directories
- Assign Disks
- Assign Event Logs
- Assign Files
- Assign Services
- Assign Shares
- Auto-Config Host Assignment Properties
- Define CSV and W3C Log Entry Columns
- Define Log Entry Columns
- Define Log Entry Columns with Regular Expressions
- Executable Status
- Executable Timeline
- Explicitly Assigned Logs
- File Explorer
- General Executable Properties
- Report Columns
- Report Date/Time Ranges
- Report Security Event Log Filters
- Select Folder or File
- Target Files and Sub-Directories
- Command Line Interface
- Server Configuration
- Agent Configuration
- Troubleshooting
- Best Practices
- Terminology
An Action is a configurable and assignable object that executes a function when:
- A Monitor starts, triggers, recovers, errors or completes.
- A Report is complete or errors.
- An Constant Delivery Pipeline is complete or errors.
Actions define properties such as the email address to send an alert or the Windows Service to restart. Actions can be created once then applied to many objects (e.g. Templates and Reports) allowing you to quickly implement a configuration change (e.g. an email address update) across all dependent objects.
How it works:
When a monitor triggers (e.g. a ping times-out, an Event Log download fails or free disk spaces falls below a critical threshold) or a Report completes, Server Manager checks the configured failure rate if applicable. If the monitor should trigger (e.g. a ping fails 3 times within one minute), Server Manager looks up the assigned Actions. If the monitor was previously working as expected or the Action is configured to re-fire every time the monitor triggers, the Action is executed. Prior to executing, all applied Action Variables are replaced with the appropriate values. Finally, Server Manager executes the Action.
How to Create an Action:
- From the Menu Bar select File | New. The Create New Object View displays.
- From the Create New Object View, select Action. The Action Properties view displays.
- Configure the action.
- When you have finished configuring the action, click the OK button to save.
Available Action Types
Type | Description |
Database | Writes triggered log entries and report output to database tables for external consumption. |
Desktop | Receive notifications from any desktop that has the Management Console installed and is connecting to the service. |
Disconnects or logs off RDP sessions. | |
Receive email notification when executables such as monitors and reports start, trigger, complete, error and recover. | |
Event Log | Write to Event Logs when executables such as monitors and reports start, trigger, complete, error and recover. |
Executable | Start, stop or restart applications, scripts or batch files. |
File | Save executable metadata and content (e.g. Report content and triggered log entries) to CSV, HTML, PDF and UTF-8 text files. |
Micosoft Teams | Send messages to a Microsoft Teams Channel via an Incoming Webhook. |
IIS IP Address Restriction | Actively blocks IP addresses when an attack on your IIS web server is detected. |
PowerShell | Execute PowerShell commands and scripts. |
Service | Start, stop or restart Windows Services. |
SMS Message | Send text messages using supported service providers. |
SNMP Trap | Send Corner Bowl Software SNMP Traps through Microsoft's SNMP Service. |
Syslog | Write to Syslog messages when executables such as monitors and reports start, trigger, complete, error and recover. |
Execute a Report | Execute a Report. |
Execute a Template | Execute other Templates. |
How to display regular expression column variable values in actions:
When assigning actions to templates that implement regular expression columns, you have the option of displaying the regular expression variable values in any of the available text boxes that include the variable tag button (e.g. The email subject line in email actions).
- In any action property that includes the variable button, insert your regular expression column key then replace the '<' and '>' with '{' and '}' respectively. For example, replace <TARGET_ACCOUNT_NAME> with {TARGET_ACCOUNT_NAME}.