SIEM, Vulnerability Scanning, Server Monitoring and Compliance Training for IT Professionals
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Email Actions

Email Actions enable you to receive email notification when executables such as monitors and reports start, trigger, complete, error and recover. You can also use email actions to received scheduled reports inline or as attachments.

In this Topic

How to Create an Email Action

  • From the Menu Bar select File | New. The Create New Object View displays.
  • Select Alerts and Actions. The New Action view displays.
  • Use the Name text box to specify a unique name.
  • From the Type drop-down select Email.
  • Use the Address options drop-down to:
Email to host contacts and addresss belowSends emails to both assigned emails below and to all of the emails listed in the Host Contact Properties Tab.
Email to host contactsOnly sends emails listed in the Host Contact Properties Tab and ignores the emails below.
Email to addresss belowOnly sends emails to each assigned email below and ignores the emails listed in the Host Contact Properties Tab.
  • Use the Subject text box to specify the email subject. Use the Variable Button button to include variables such as the {HOST} or {LOG} the email pertains too. When assigning actions to templates that implement regular expression columns, you have the option of displaying the regular expression variable values in any of the available text boxes that include the variable tag button (e.g. The email subject line in email actions). In any action property that includes the variable button, insert your regular expression column key then replace the '<' and '>' with '{' and '}' respectively. For example, replace <TARGET_ACCOUNT_NAME> with {TARGET_ACCOUNT_NAME}.
  • Use the Type drop-down to:
HTMLSend an HTML formatted email.
TextSend a plain text formatted email.
AttachmentSend an email with report content and trigger information as an attached file.

How to Send an HTML Email

  • From the Type drop-down, select HTML.
  • Use the Override the default HTML template option to specify your own HTML template. If selected, use the Data table template control to select the .html file to use in-place of the default file:
    C:\Program Files\Corner Bowl\Server Manager\HtmlTemplates\data-template.html
If you prefer to exclude metadata from the header of each email, there is a tables only template called:
C:\Program Files\Corner Bowl\Server Manager\HtmlTemplates\data-tables-template.html
When selecting the file, the Select File dialog returns the file system content relative to the server the service is running rather than relative to the file system the Management Console is running.
  • use the Include graphs checkbox to include historical graphs when applicable (e.g. CPU Load over Time).
  • use the Include timeline checkbox to include the timeline image (e.g. Ping Monitor Uptime).

How to Send a Text Email

  • From the Type drop-down, select Text.
  • Use the Message text box to specify the email body. Use the Variable Button button to include variables such as the {HOST} or {LOG} the email pertains too.

How to Attach Report Content as a File Attachment

  • From the Type drop-down, select Attachment.
  • From the File type drop-down select the file type to generate:
File TypeDescription
CSVExports report content to tables in a CSV file.
HTMLExport report content to an HTML file using either the default or the assigned HTML template.
PDFExports report content to an HTML file then converts the HTML file to a PDF file.
TXTExports report content to a UTF-8 text file.
Large PDF reports may timeout or error with an out of memory exception.
  • Use the Compress to ZIP format option to compress the attached file.

How to Attach a Log File with Email Notifications

When monitoring text, W3C, CSV or any other type of text log file, you can attach the monitored log file to email notifcation messages.

  • Use the Compress and attached monitored files option to attach monitored log files when this action is triggered.

How to Optimize Email Content for Cell Phones

Many of the email notifications and reports contain multiple rows of data which require users to manually zoom and pan to review on their cell phones. Server Manager includes a sample email action that is optimized for cell phones called Send an Email (Cell Phone) which can be found in the Explorer View under the Actions/Email group.

If you open this sample Action's Properties View, you can see the default HTML Template (data-template.html) has been overridden with another installed HTML Template called data-rows-template.html. The default HTML Template includes a tag called {DATA_TABLES} where as the cell phone HTML Template has replaced this value with {DATA_ROWS}. When the {DATA_ROWS} tag is applied, each row in each table is converted to a single table with each column name and value converted to a single row in the table enabling any table to display properly on a cell phone.

If you prefer to send text-based emails, there is a cell phone optimized text-based email action called Send a Text-Based Email (Data Rows).
Sample Cell Phone Email Action Notification
Sample Cell Phone Email Action Notification

How to Override the Primary Email Server's From Settings

If you are providing services for multiple clients on the same hardware and would like to override the from username and friendly name for each client, you have the option to override the primary email server's from settings. Once set, you can send email notifications to multiple client's using the following scheme:

Client One <> 
Client Two <> 
Client Three <>
  • Use the Override primary email server from settings check box to specify an alternate username, password and from name when this action is triggered.
  • Use the Username text box to enter the username to access the mail server, for example
  • Use the Password text box to enter the password to access the email server.
  • Use the From name text box to enter the friendly From name listed in the email, for example Client One.

Related Topics


Email Settings

HTML and Email Template Settings