SIEM, Vulnerability Scanning, Server Monitoring and Compliance Training for IT Professionals
Table of Contents

Action Variables

Action variable are used to inject variables when firing Actions. When applied, each variable is parsed out and replaced with the appropriate value. The available variables depend on the current functionality that is running.

General Variable Tags

LOCALHOSTThe host name of the computer where the software is installed.
MESSAGEA detailed message.
NAMEThe object's name.
OBJECT_TYPEThe type of Report.
HOSTThe target host name(s).
TEXT: comma delimited
HTML: line feed delimited (<br/>)
IPv4The target IPv4 address(es).
TEXT: comma delimited
HTML: line feed delimited (<br/>)
IPv6The target IPv6 address(es).
TEXT: comma delimited
HTML: line feed delimited (<br/>)
LOGThe target log name.
DATE_RANGEThe time span to check (e.g. daily).
STATEThe object state (e.g. OK, Warning, Critical, Error).
STATE_IMGThe object state image (e.g. OK, Warning, Critical, Error).
Applies to HTML output only.
TEMPLATEThe name of the Template (only applies to Monitors).
OBJECT_TYPEThe type of object (e.g. the type of Monitor or Report).
SHORT_MESSAGEA short descriptive message.
MESSAGEA detailed message.

Date and Time Variables

DATEThe current date formatted with the server's locale.
TIMEThe current time formatted with the server's locale.
MONTHThe numeric day of the month.
DAYThe day of the month, from 01 to 31.
DAY_DDDThe abbreviated name of the day of the week.
DAY_DDDDThe full name of the day of the week.
MONTHThe month, from 01 to 12.
MONTH_MMMThe abbreviated name of the month.
MONTH_MMMMThe full name of the month.
YEARThe year as a four-digit number.

General Monitor Item Tags

Some functionality, such as disk space alerts, include arrays of items. When firing Actions for these Monitors item content may be customizable.

When firing text based Actions, such as text email (versus HTML email) or Message Box alerts, customize item content by wrapping the target Action variable tags within <ITEM> </ITEM> tags. For example, when firing a free disk space alert you can define the item variables to display like so:


When firing HTML based Actions, such as HTML email (verses text email) or exporting to an HTML file, customize item content by wrapping the target Action variable tags within <ENTRY_ODD> </ENTRY_ODD> and <ENTRY_EVEN> </ENTRY_EVEN> tags. For more information see, HTML and Email Templates

HOSTThe target host name.
IPv4The target IPv4 address.
IPv6The target IPv6 address.
NAMEThe name of the Monitor, Report or Auto Configurator (e.g. [HOSTNAME] ([TEMPLATE NAME]))
STATEThe item state (e.g. OK, Warning, Critical, Error).
A short descriptive message including the item name or key (e.g. C$).
ITEM_MESSAGEA short descriptive message excluding the item name or key (e.g. C$).
TRIGGER_MESSAGEWhen the object state is Warning, Critical or Error a short descriptive message, otherwise an empty string.
START_TIMEThe time the Monitor item started.
END_TIMEThe time the Monitor item completed.
DURATIONThe total time required to complete.

CPU Monitors

Summary Report item variable tags

* HTML only.
* HTML only.
CPU_AVERAGEThe average CPU load across all CPUs/cores.
* HTML only.
CPU_CLOCK_SPEEDThe maximum CPU clock speed.
* HTML only.
CPU_CORESThe number of CPU cores.
* HTML only.
CPU_FREEThe average free CPU across all CPUs/cores.
* HTML only.
CPU_MAXIMUMThe maximum CPU load of any CPU/core.
* HTML only.
CPU_USEDThe average CPU load across all CPUs/cores.
* HTML only.
DATE_RANGEThe CPU history's date range.
* HTML only.
CPU_BAR_IMGDisplays the last known CPU load in a horizontal bar gauge.
* HTML only.
HISTORY_IMGDisplays the CPU load history chart.
* HTML only.

Defrag Monitors

Item variable tags

DISKThe disk key (e.g. C$)

Directory Cleaner Monitors

Item variable tags

PATHThe full path of the target directory.
The number of files deleted.
The total size of files deleted.
DIRECTORY_CLEANER_SIZE_OF_FILES_BEFOREThe size of directory prior to cleaning the directory.
DIRECTORY_CLEANER_SIZE_OF_FILES_AFTERThe size of the directory after cleaning the directory.
DIRECTORY_CLEANER_NUMBER_OF_FILES_BEFOREThe number of files prior to cleaning the directory.
DIRECTORY_CLEANER_NUMBER_OF_FILES_AFTERThe number of files after cleaning the directory.

Directory Size Monitors

Item variable tags

SIZEThe size of the disk.
USED_SPACEThe used disk space.
USED_SPACE_PERCENTThe percent of used disk space.
FREE_SPACEThe free disk space.
FREE_SPACE_PERCENTThe percent of free disk space.
PATHThe full path of the target directory.
DIRECTORY_SIZEThe size of the directory.
DIRECTORY_SIZE_PERCENTThe percent of disk space the directory is consuming.
FILE_COUNTThe number of files.
SUB_DIRECTORY_COUNTThe number of sub-directories.
LAST_KNOWN_USED_SPACEThe size of the directory when the Monitor was previously executed.
DELTA_SIZEThe change in directory size between Monitor executions.
DELTA_PERCENTThe percent change in directory size between Monitor executions.
THRESHOLDThe triggered threshold (e.g. 10 GBs).

Summary Report item variable tags

SIZEThe size of the disk.
USED_SPACEThe used disk space.
USED_SPACE_PERCENTThe percent of used disk space.
FREE_SPACEThe free disk space.
FREE_SPACE_PERCENTThe percent of free disk space.
NET_NAMEThe network name of the disk (e.g. C$).
PATHThe full path of the target directory.
DIRECTORY_SIZEThe size of the directory.
DIRECTORY_SIZE_PERCENTThe percent of disk space the directory is consuming.
FILE_COUNTThe number of files.
SUB_DIRECTORY_COUNTThe number of sub-directories.
DATE_RANGEThe target date range.
* HTML only.
CONSUMPTION_RATE_HOURLYGiven the target date range, the calculated hourly consumption rate.
* HTML only.
CONSUMPTION_RATE_DAILYGiven the target date range, the calculated daily consumption rate.
* HTML only.
CONSUMPTION_RATE_WEEKLYGiven the target date range, the calculated weekly consumption rate.
* HTML only.
CONSUMPTION_RATE_MONTHLYGiven the target date range, the calculated monthly consumption rate.
* HTML only.
CONSUMPTION_RATE_QUARTERLYGiven the target date range, the calculated quarterly consumption rate.
* HTML only.
CONSUMPTION_RATE_YEARLYGiven the target date range, the calculated yearly consumption rate.
* HTML only.

Directory Size Watcher

FILENAMEThe full path and filename that was created.
FULLNAMEThe full path and filename that was created.
PATHThe full path and filename that was created.
SIZEThe size of the file that was created
DATEThe date the file was created
TIMEThe time the file was created

Directory Watcher

PATHThe full path of the target directory.
FILENAMEThe full path and filename of the target file.
CHANGE_TYPEThe change type (e.g. Created, Deleted, Changed, or Renamed)
NEW_NAMEWhen a file is renamed, the new name of the file otherwise an empty string.

Disk Space Monitors

Item variable tags

DISKThe caption or if unavailable the network name of the disk (e.g. OS (C:)).
PATH (deprecated)
The network name of the disk (e.g. C$).
SIZEThe size of the disk.
USED_SPACEThe used disk space.
USED_SPACE_PERCENTThe percent of used disk space.
FREE_SPACEThe free disk space.
FREE_SPACE_PERCENTThe percent of free disk space.
LAST_KNOWN_USED_SPACEThe used disk space when the Monitor was previously executed.
DELTA_SIZEThe change in used disk space between Monitor executions.
DELTA_PERCENTThe percent change in used disk size between Monitor executions.
THRESHOLDThe triggered threshold (e.g. 10 GBs)

Summary Report item variable tags

SIZEThe size of the disk.
USED_SPACEThe used disk space.
USED_SPACE_PERCENTThe percent of used disk space.
FREE_SPACEThe free disk space.
FREE_SPACE_PERCENTThe percent of free disk space.
DATE_RANGEThe target date range.
* HTML only.
CONSUMPTION_RATE_DAYS_REMAININGGiven the target date range, the calculated number of days until the disk is out of space.
* HTML only.
CONSUMPTION_RATE_ESTIMATED_FULL_DATEGiven the target date range, the calculated date the disk will run out of space.
* HTML only.
CONSUMPTION_RATE_HOURLYGiven the target date range, the calculated hourly consumption rate.
* HTML only.
CONSUMPTION_RATE_DAILYGiven the target date range, the calculated daily consumption rate.
* HTML only.
CONSUMPTION_RATE_WEEKLYGiven the target date range, the calculated weekly consumption rate.
* HTML only.
CONSUMPTION_RATE_MONTHLYGiven the target date range, the calculated monthly consumption rate.
* HTML only.
CONSUMPTION_RATE_QUARTERLYGiven the target date range, the calculated quarterly consumption rate.
* HTML only.
CONSUMPTION_RATE_YEARLYGiven the target date range, the calculated yearly consumption rate.
* HTML only.

File Count Monitors

Item variable tags

PATHThe full path of the target directory.
DIRECTORY_SIZEThe size of the directory.
FILE_COUNTThe number of files.
SUB_DIRECTORY_COUNTThe number of sub-directories.
LAST_KNOWN_FILE_COUNTThe number of files when the Monitor was previously executed.
THRESHOLDThe triggered threshold (e.g. 5000 files).

File Size Monitors

Item variable tags

MASKThe Template mask used to search for the file (e.g. \\SERVERNAME\c$\logs\*.txt).
The full path and filename.
The filename.
PATHThe full path of the target directory.
FILE_SIZEThe size of the file.
DELTA_SIZEThe change in size between Monitor executions.
DELTA_PERCENTThe percent change in size between Monitor executions.
LAST_KNOWN_FILE_SIZEThe size of the file when the Monitor was previously executed.
THRESHOLDThe triggered threshold (e.g. > 10 GBs).

Idle File Monitors

Item variable tags

MASKThe Template mask used to search for the file (e.g. \\SERVERNAME\c$\logs\*.txt).
The full path and filename.
The filename.
PATHThe full path of the target directory.
TIME_SPANThe time span since the last file modification.

Memory Monitors

Summary Report item variable tags

MEMORY_USEDThe average CPU load across all CPUs/cores.
* HTML only.
MEMORY_FREEThe average CPU load across all CPUs/cores.
* HTML only.
DATE_RANGEThe CPU history's date range.
* HTML only.
BAR_IMGDisplays the last known memory load in a horizontal bar gauge.
* HTML only.
HISTORY_IMGDisplays the memory load history chart.
* HTML only.

Performance Counter Monitors

Summary Report item variable tags

VALUEThe performance counter value.
* HTML only.
DATE_RANGEThe performance counter history's date range.
* HTML only.
HISTORY_IMGDisplays the performance counter history chart.
* HTML only.

Ping Monitors

Summary Report item variable tags

ROUND_TRIP_TIMEThe ping response time.
* HTML only.
DATE_RANGEThe ping history's date range.
* HTML only.
HISTORY_IMGDisplays the ping history chart.
* HTML only.

SMART Monitors

Item variable tags

The network name of the disk (e.g. C$).
SMARTThe SMART status (e.g. OK, Degraded).

Event Log Alerts

Header variable tags

LOGThe name of the log (e.g. Application, System, Security).
FILTERThe applied filter name.
AD_USERWhen firing an email alert for an Event Log entry that passes a Monitor's filter, the tag is replaced with the Active Directory assigned email address for the user listed within the USER column of the entry. If multiple entries pass the post consolidation filter the first entry that contains a non-null value within the USER column is used for the lookup.
USERWhen firing an email alert for an Event Log entry that passes a Monitor's filter, the email address can be changed to the contents of the USER column within the entry. If multiple entries pass the filter the first entry that contains a non-null value within the USER column is used for the replacement. If the USER column contains a domain name, the domain name is removed.
For example:
If the Event Log entry USER column contains:
and the email address within the email Action is defined as:
the actual email address used is:

Item variable tags

HOSTThe host that generated the entry.
* If an alias has been assigned to the host the alias is used in-place of the actual hostname.
IPv4The IPv4 address of the host that generated the entry.
IPv6The IPv6 address of the host that generated the entry.
DATEThe date the entry was generated.
TIMEThe time the entry was generated.
LOGThe name of the log (e.g. Application, System, Security).
LEVELThe Event Log entry level (e.g. Warning or Critical).
* When forwarding entries the Syslog message priority is automatically set to each Event Log entry's level.
SOURCEThe entry source.
EVENTThe entry event ID.
CATEGORYThe entry category.
USERThe entry user.
MESSAGEThe entry message.
DATAThe entry data in hexadecimal format.
DATA_ASCIIThe entry data in ASCII format.
DATA_UNICODEThe entry data in Unicode format.

Entry Not Found Alert

Item variable tags

MASKThe Template mask used to search for the file (e.g. \\SERVERNAME\c$\logs\*.txt).
* Text Log Monitors only.
LOGThe name of the log (e.g. System, Syslog, myapp.log).
FILENAMEThe full path and filename.
FILTERThe name of the filter that was applied.
DATE_RANGEThe threshold's time span (e.g. 2 Hours).
EXPECTED_COUNTThe expected number of entries per time span.
COUNTThe actual number of entries found during the time span.

Event Log Consolidation

Item variable tags

LOGThe name of the log (e.g. Application, System, Security).
DOWNLOADED_COUNTThe number of entries downloaded.
DUPLICATE_COUNTThe number of entries previously downloaded. This value is typically 1; however, if an application writes several entries to the Event Log at the same millisecond this value may be greater than 1.
FILTERED_COUNTWhen a consolidation filter is assigned, the number of entries that passed the consolidation filter.
SAVED_COUNTThe number of entries saved to the Log Repository.
FROMThe oldest date to download.

File Consolidation

Item variable tags

PATHThe full path of the target directory.
FILE_COUNT_COPIEDThe number of files copied.
FILE_SIZE_COPIEDThe size of the files copied.
FILE_COUNT_DELETEDThe number of files deleted.
FILE_SIZE_DELETEDThe size of the files deleted.
DIRECTORY_SIZEThe size of the directory.

Output directory tags

DATEThe current date.
TIMEThe current time.
PATHThe source path.
* All special characters are replaced with an underscore.

Output filename tags

DATEThe current date.
TIMEThe current time.
The full path to the source file.
* All special characters are replaced with an underscore.
The source filename.
* All special characters are replaced with an underscore.
PATHThe source path.
* All special characters are replaced with an underscore.

Text Log Consolidation

FILENAMEThe target log's filename.
LOGThe target log's full path and filename.
MASKThe full path and filename or mask.
DOWNLOADED_COUNTThe number of entries downloaded.
FILTERED_COUNTWhen a consolidation filter is assigned, the number of entries that passed the consolidation filter.
SAVED_COUNTThe number of entries saved to the Log Repository.
FROMThe position within the file data was read from. This value is typically the last known length.
SIZEThe size or length of the data read.

SNMP Traps

Item variable tags

OIDThe object identifier.
NAMEThe name or alias associated with the object identifier.
VALUEThe variable's value.
DATA_TYPEThe variable's data type.

Related Topics


HTML and Email Template Settings